Diving into every facet of the show they can think of, Mike and Andrew break open the cases of the X-Files with extreme thoroughness. Their unique and antagonistic banter brings plenty of laughs for the listeners. Join them on their journey through one of sci-fi’s greatest shows, discover new perspectives, fun times and a wonderful community.

Meet your hosts

  • A long-time watcher from the days of tube televisions, Mike tends to respect the show on its merits. He can let his nostalgia get in the way occasionally, but above all he remains objective in his assessments - even when it hurts his feelers.

  • With a tendency to nitpick the fine details of the show, Andrew has a blast offering his takes on this classic show. Nothing gets by him, right down to the miles/time it SHOULD take characters to travel long distances. C’mon, X-Files, do better.



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